The Names of The Strings On The Guzheng

The Chinese zither, or Guzheng is tuned to a particular set of notes, called a musical scale. This tuning helps gives the Guzheng its musical character and sound. Let’s learn the names of the strings on the Guzheng. The most common scale used is the D Major Pentatonic Scale. This scale contains the notes D E F# A B.

Typically, Guzheng players associate these tones with their Solfege names. D is Do , E is Re, F# is Mi, A is Sol , B is La.

Here is an excerpt from Bei Bei’s Guzheng Tutorial:

This pattern of notes repeats over the length of the instrument. Additionally, it is important to realize that the thinnest string and the thickest string are ‘D’ strings. The instrument starts and ends with ‘D’ strings. To help the eye see this pattern the “A” string is usually another color , mostly green but sometimes red. The "A" strings are usually green, helping you see the notes of the guzheng

It is important to relate the tones of the D Major Pentatonic Scale with the notes of the D Major Scale. You spell The D Major Scale with the notes D E F# G A B C#. The D major Pentatonic scale omits the 4th and 7th degress of the the D Major Scale.

Now that you have an understanding of the names of the strings on the Guzheng perhaps you would like to continue with your studies? Bei Bei put together this Popular 3 Book Set to guide a total beginner into a well rounded Guzheng player. It is an excellent resource to even experienced players.