THE GUZHENG SHOP is an online Guzheng shop with worldwide shipping that specializes in the Chinese Zither Guzheng and related products. We are your place to buy a Guzheng! The Guzheng (pronounced goo-jung) – also known as the Zheng, Chinese zither, or Chinese harp – is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument that has over 2500 years of history. Founded by well-known Guzheng artist Bei Bei in 2010, our online Guzheng shop with worldwide shipping has brought the beauty and history of the Guzheng into countless homes!
The Guzheng Shop also offers professional Guzheng musicians as well as student performers for various events and productions. We also have a network of other Chinese and Western instrumentalists to suit your needs.
The Guzheng Shop ships from its warehouse in Orange County, California, to customers worldwide. We carry a wide variety of instruments that span multiple price points and size options to help you get the instrument you need. All products come from reputable brands and manufacturers that guarantee their quality with factory warranties. The Guzheng Shop also offer resources in learning and playing this traditional Chinese instrument. If you have any questions about how to buy a Guzheng or any concerns, please feel free to contact us via Email. You can also connect with us via Facebook. Thank you for your support.
The GUZHENG SHOP是一家在線零售商,由知名古箏藝術家荷蓓蓓(Bei Bei)於2010年創辦,專門從事中國民族樂器古箏及相關產品的銷售。我們還為各種活動/製作提供專業的古箏音樂家以及學生表演者。我們從加利福尼亞州橙郡的倉庫運送到美國和世界其他地區的客戶。我們提供的所有產品均來自保證質量的知名品牌/製造商。我們還提供學習和演奏該樂器的資源。請隨時通過電郵或Facebook與我們聯繫。如果您有任何疑問和疑慮,請給我們發送電子郵件。